HSBC LiveChat Service

Following a successful pilot, HSBC have launched a LiveChat communication channel which allows you to connect with the bank and resolve queries that relate to your client’s new or existing mortgage. Through LiveChat you will be able to send real time messages directly to a HSBC agent as an alternative to traditional communications via telephone, email, or post. Similar to telephone calls, LiveChat verification will be still be required.

Feedback from the pilot indicates LiveChat provides the information you need in a simpler and faster way, although all existing channels will remain available. The contents of the ‘chat’ will be made available for extraction to your case management system before exiting the conversation.

Please note, confirmation of monetary figures or changes to application details should continue to be submitted via the traditional and existing methods of communication.

If you are a HSBC panel member, you can now access live chat on the following link;

HSBC Conveyancers Live Chat I HSBC UK