Keeping up to date with Lender Instructions

Lenders are consistently updating their individual editions of the UK Financial Mortgage Lenders Handbook, most recently RBS/NatWest made changes specific to Gift of Deposit notifications.

RBS/NatWest, what’s changed;

In September updates were made to part 2 of the UK Financial Mortgage Lenders Handbook.

Under section 5.13.1. this lender no longer requires written confirmation from a Solicitors to advise of a gift of deposit (in most circumstances), saving you time, expense and additional administration. Please review your procedures to ensure you take full advantage of any updates to the process.

Other sections of the RBS/NatWest instructions which might also be of benefit to noted are:

Please refer to the UK Financial Mortgage Lenders Handbook for further guidance. This does not override your duty to RBS/NatWest under the instructions provided elsewhere in the Lenders Handbook.