LMS Post Completion Service – Scotland and Northern Ireland

LMS suspended our post completion service due to the closure of the UK Land Registry’s on 23rd March 2020. Throughout this time, we have continued to engage in dialogue with both lenders and Land Registry’s which led to the re-instatement of the service in England & Wales in November 2020.

We are now in a position to re-start the service in Scotland and Northern Ireland following further conversations with our lender clients, the Registry of Scotland and NI Land Registry.

We are aware that the Registry’s continue with their contingency operations and many are supporting remote working but we do feel it’s appropriate to seek evidence of registration where it is available or an explanation if there continues to be delays even if those delays are a result of the current contingency arrangements.

We are providing all firms with notice to provide the information we require before re-instating our registration checking service so would be grateful if you could update all pending matters so that we can provide our lender clients with a full update on all registered and pending matters.

Please note cases which are without update from 1 March 2021, will be subject to charges of non-compliance.