Tesco Bank Panel – Update

Further to our previous communication March 2020 regarding Tesco Bank Panel. LMS will begin the process of concluding all Tesco Bank Panel memberships from 9 April 2020.

All case related queries should be referred to Tesco Bank directly;

•  If a firm exchange and completion date has been agreed, then please contact Tesco Bank for guidance.
•  Additional help or clarification, please contact Tesco Bank on 0345 217 2050 or 0345 051 8442

For further direction or information on this change please visit; https://www.tescobank.com/mortgages/conveyancer/

Alternatively please visit; https://www.cml.org.uk/lenders-handbook/

•  Tesco Bank (a trading name of Tesco Personal Finance plc).
•  Halifax Deed section of the handbook.